3d Printing Occupational Therapy Aids

At Accessible Places, we’re a small team dedicated to enhancing the lives of People with Disabilities through our 3D printing services. Our focus is on crafting tools that aid in occupational therapy, support People with Disabilities, and facilitate assistive living. With a personal touch and careful attention to detail, we work closely with our clients to understand their unique needs, creating tailor-made solutions that make everyday tasks a little easier. We believe technology can serve our community, ensuring each device is not just functional, but also a step towards greater independence and quality of life.

Hands-Free Book Holder By Cameron

Reading Assistive Devices

Hands-Free Book Holder By Cameron

Pill Cutter By George Dalli

Medication Tools

Pill Cutter By George Dalli

Hands Free Chopsticks Holder By Ged Kerezis

Meal Utensil Tools

Hands Free Chopsticks Holder By Ged Kerezis

Bottle Cap Opener v.2 By Chya

Bottle Openers

Bottle Cap Opener v.2 By Chya

Assistive Pencil Grip With Roll-Off Stoppers

Writing Assistive Tools

Assistive Pencil Grip with Roll-Off Stoppers By Gintare Cer

These products displayed are just a small sample of what is available.

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